Green agenda are spearheading discussions on resource management,
global climate change and biodiversity issues, while the environmental problems
known as 'brown agenda' in the urban areas are still being neglected in the
developing countries although the planning and development professionals around
the world are striving tirelessly for the greatest outcome possible. It is well
accepted that rapid urbanisation has aggravated problems like sanitation and
drainage, improper disposal of solid and hazardous waste, degradation of soil
and land, uncontrolled emissions from the domestic and industrial activities,
traffic congestions etc. resulting in poor public health.
Cities and towns have been hubs of economic development but a good question
to be asked - do the rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and development of
communication network have been impetus for economic development at the cost of
environment? The root causes of environmental degradation in urban areas are
unplanned and hardly coordinated inter-play of socio-economic, institutional
and technical activities. There are many factors, which may have greater
impacts on the urban environment but poverty still remains at the root of
several environmental problems. Let us try to understand urban poverty and
environmental degradation before blaming each other.
Urbanisation and industrialisation have provided livelihood and
opportunities to the millions of people, but at the same time they have brought
in the accompanied problems such as waste disposal, environmental degradation,
disease-causing agents and pollutants, contamination of air, soil and surface
water etc. The more we achieved rapid growth of industrial production, the more
we experienced problems related to industrial pollution.
Urban environmental degradation in the developing countries is
associated with households and businesses; those are not served by sewers,
drains and waste collection facilities. Lack of or improper sewage treatment
plants are contributing to the water pollution problems. Sources of air
pollution are uncontrolled emissions and it is coming from the industries.
Also, increasing number of motor vehicles which are often without catalyst
converters and these vehicles has poorly maintained engines. In the urban
areas, answers to the reasons for persistence of poverty can be traced back to
environmental degradation.
The urban poor are usually the most exposed to weather
and thus most affected by environmental pollution. Therefore, attempt to tackle environmental problems without
addressing poverty is likely to fail. Poverty reduction and effective
environmental management in the urban areas are mutually dependent. Poverty is
both cause and effect of environmental degradation.
This relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is
of course an extremely complex phenomenon. Inequalities and lack of
opportunities, social exclusion, lack of access to essential utilities that
foster un-sustainability among a section of population, which results in
environmental degradation because they do not find any other way but to using
the available alternatives e.g. drains for toilet, live in a place which is
already polluted, use contaminated water, generate waste and subsequently
pollute the environment further.
It is well accepted that large population put stress on the
environment, society and resources. Just imagine the current world population
which is 7.2 billion and it is projected to increase up to 9.6 billion by 2050.
Over population not only requires destruction of more and more natural
resources but also generates large number of waste, which is associated with
environmental stresses like loss of biodiversity, water pollution, air
pollution and increased pressure on arable land. Over-consumption and
unsustainable development may have the greater impacts and that is why the
choices of how to use the resources and for what purposes are very important.
Furthermore, economic opportunities in the urban areas and their
absence in the rural have created a huge urban-rural gap. Lack of opportunities
for employment and associated stresses, impacts of climate changes are leading
to ever-increasing migration of rural poor families to the towns. Urban slums
are expanding due to increasing population in the cities. This rapid and
unplanned expansion of the cities has resulted in the degradation of urban
environment. The city of Dhaka is a classic example of this. Huge pressures
have been created on the infrastructure and utilities such as energy, housing, transport,
education, water supply, sewerage system and recreational amenities. These in
turn speed up the deterioration of urban environment and the proliferation of
slums contributes further to urban poverty.
If we look for some of the desirable improvements e.g. improved
provision for water and sanitation, less crowded places, better quality
housing, improved provision for storm and surface water drainage, avoidance of
hazardous sites for settlements, promotion of cleaner household fuels and
improved provision for solid-waste management, then probably financial needs
would stand in the front row and one could argue that due to lack of money the
poorer countries cannot build these infrastructures. In that case, poorer
counties are bound to choose the model of economic growth, which requires
exploitation of natural resources for expanding production. In rich countries,
mass production and consumption is a major cause of environmental degradation
and destruction of natural resources. In the poor countries, the creation of
value and access to subsistence are typically linked to sacrificing
environmental quality for short-term economic gain (Goodman and Redclift,
Poorer nations are introducing the neo-liberal policies, which turn
rich people even richer, while the poor become poorer. Neo-liberal policies
increases the material consumption, therefore more resources will be used and
money will be diverted to produce and purchase these goods, hence poor people
will be left behind. This has further led to ‘blaming the victims’ for their
poverty. Blaming poverty as the main cause of urban environmental degradation
will be one-sided narrowly focused conclusion. If poverty is a major concern in
urban environment, conversely environmental degradation needs to be of great
concern as well for further ill-being of the poor. It’s a vicious cycle and the
poor are definitely caught in the middle.
High-income groups are far worse than low-income groups
contributing to the environmental degradation by generating more waste and
green house gas emissions. Improving urban poverty and preventing further
environmental degradation or vice versa, the governments need to focus on
sustainable urban infrastructure development with urban environmental
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