On 9 May 2013, 'The keeling curve' (named after geochemist
Charles David Keeling), which plots the constant changes in atmospheric
concentration of CO2 at Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii, recorded
the daily average concentration of 400.03 per-parts-million (ppm). For the same
24-hour period, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego recorded a
reading of 400.08 ppm. Climate scientists say that for the first time in at
least 800,000 years, the mean atmospheric concentration of CO2
levels has surpassed 400ppm. It means that, for every million air molecules,
400 are carbon dioxide. It has come as no surprise to us that global carbon
dioxide was bound to exceed the threshold sooner or later, given the fact that the
world communities have repeatedly failed to slow down global CO2 emissions.
Since the monitoring began more than five decades ago at the
Mauna Loa observatory, it had been well documented that the atmospheric
concentration of CO2 had increased from about 0.7 ppm per year in
the late 1950s to 2.1 ppm per year during 2003 to 2012. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists pointed out thattoday’s rate of
increase is more than 100 times faster than the increase that occurred when the
last ice age ended. Human activities are believed to be contributing more and
more CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere. While our world
has entered to a new danger zone, most people are wondering about why this
milestone is so important.
400ppm is kept as a round easily remembered figure, which is
a critical global threshold agreed in the Kyoto Protocol to avoid average
global temperature rise more than 2°C. Creating a prehistoric climate would
certainly have major repercussions. Increased CO2 mean increased global
temperature and the impacts of increased temperature are already well known,
marked in particularly by the biophysical consequences, for example stronger
cyclones, increased coastal flooding, frequent droughts, fresh water scarcity and
increased water salinity. These biophysical consequences will continue to
affect people and their livelihoods, the whole economy across sectors and human
development will suffer as a result of changing weather. Unfortunately, the
poorer countries are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than the
richer countries.
level rise is unavoidable under a warming world due to the increased melting of
world’s glaciers. Sea water intrusion, extreme tides and frequent storm surge
in the low lying lands have already caused havoc in many coastal communities
around the world particularly in the developing countries. Environmental
migration is a reality now. People are forced to flee from their lands and
sought shelter in the cities. Losing everything and trying to rebuild their
lives all over again, have put enormous pressure on families to find jobs that
would suit their skills, as well as finding decent and affordable homes. Unable
to find the jobs and proper accommodations would naturally fuel the expansion
of city slums. Such unsustainable urban growths would in turn step up the
deterioration of local urban environment that would contribute further to urban
poverty. This would contribute further to other social issues e.g. increased
criminality and vandalism, poor public health, no education, increased child
labour etc. Implications of these factors would incur huge additional financial
costs upon the society, which is very difficult to assess as many consequences
are not yet well understood.
Not all are bad news but there's good news too. What if
climate change would turn Greenland green? Experts are now saying that climate
change could turn Greenland green by 2100 (The Guardian, 28 August 2013). The lead scientist
Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, from Aarhus University in Denmark said that
the 'Greenland has the potential to become a lot greener - forest like the
coastal coniferous forests in today's Alaska and western Canada will be able to
thrive in fairly large parts of Greenland, for example, with trees like Sitka
spruce and Lodgepole pine.' But what would happen with all the melting ice
water? It will naturally flow down to the seas. Perhaps all good news will
probably concentrate in the colder and richer parts of the world. People who
lives in the colder regions will enjoy relatively warmer weather, possibilities
of saving energy over time, will enjoy economic benefits from tourism and the
agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors will have the market potential and
new commercial opportunities.
Green technological innovation will probably thrive in the
richer world. Future technological changes will concentrate on super-efficient
equipment and appliances, maximising recycling and resource efficiency, finding
eco-friendly alternative energy sources, technological advances in climate
change science and adaptation disciplines to find more adaptation options and
performance of these options. It’s absolutely crucial that the green
technological collaborations need to happen between rich and poor countries in
order to combat a common enemy. It’s not going to help if the advances in green
technologies only concentrate in the richer part of the world.
In the end, the atmospheric CO2 emissions will
continue to increase unless countries around the world take radical steps to
stop the rising levels of CO2 emissions. Chances are remote that it
will happen sooner. Maybe five or ten years’ down in the line, Mauna Loa
observatory will record the readings which would surpass another
threshold value. But the fact of the matter underlying inequalities and
vulnerabilities will still exist in hundred years from now if we do not adapt
and prepare ourselves for our warming world.